New Year Resolutions (2022)
January 01, 2022 - 3 min read
New year, new set of promises. Photo by VisionPics.
And then, a year passed
No, you're not crazy. This is indeed a new blog post, after a year of hiatus.
The year 2021 was a busy one, both for the personal and professional aspects of my life. A lot of changes happened in the last year; so much, that it made me neglect a lot of "side projects", this blog included. It is easy to point at the last two years and the use the... uhh... "global event" that started in 2020 as the sole culprit for that but, despite having some merit - it was a game-changer and it did force both individuals and companies to deal with less-than-ideal scenarios - the truth is that maybe with a little more effort, I could have posted more content sooner. I think we all can relate to this sentiment, there is always more that we could do.
On the bright side, a busy 2021 means that I had to face a lot of different technical challenges, which in turn can be translated as valuable learning opportunities (and the occasional headache, of course). And this means (hopefully) more interesting content here in the next months.
With that out of the way, it is time to show what are my resolutions for this new year!
Resolutions for 2022
Post more frequently. If you read the last section, this one is a given. As I said, last year was quite busy and I have a lot of topics in mind for this year, so let's hope I pick up the pace and post a little more frequently here.
Participate in Hacktoberfest 2022. Since 2018 I participated in Hacktoberfest, but I missed even that in 2021. For those who don't know, this is an annual event where anyone can participate by submitting a merge request to select open-source projects. The official site is updated every year with the submission rules, alongside tools to make it easier to find a repository to which you can contribute. If you never paticipated, please consider doing so and giving back to the open-source community.
Learn C. I was probably one of the last generations to learn the first steps on programming with Turbo Pascal and C (kids nowadays start with Java, Python or NodeJS). However, I never worked professionally with C, and I'm pretty sure that the "real world" C development is quite different from what I learned almost 20 years ago. My objective is to eliminate or close this gap of knowledge and be able to read, understand and write production-level C code.
Take (another) look at Rust. I've taken a look at Rust a few years ago and found it a bit convoluted for my taste (the reason I like Go is how "straight" everything is). The tooling was promising but wasn't quite there yet. This year I want to take a look at it again, see how it improved and see if it picks my interest this time. Rust seems to be going in an interesting direction, and I'm excited to see where it goes.
That is it, for now
And that is it for the moment. Yeah, I know, not exactly the most interesting post, but soon I will post as more interesting content. Think of this post more of a reminder for myself on what are the objectives for 2022. I sure hope this one age well!
Code Overload

Personal blog ofRafael Ibraim.
Rafael Ibraim works as a developer since the early 2000's (before it was cool). He is passionate about creating clean, simple and maintainable code.
He lives a developer's life.