
About me


Hello! As you've pro­ba­bly guessed by now, I'm a soft­ware de­ve­lo­per. But if that is not enough to quench your thirst for information, sit back, relax and read on as I try to give you a little more insight into who I am.

A bit of history...

My career started in the early 2000s (way before being a nerd was considered 'cool'), and since then I had the opportunity to work with a lot of talented people in various tech stacks and different-sized projects. I'm a firm believer of "learning by doing", and there's nothing like a challenging task to keep the mind as sharp as it can be.

Most of my early years were spent wor­king on custom ERP systems for Desktop (Windows), with the occasional development using embedded sys­tems. In the last de­ca­de, this changed to web de­ve­lop­ment (APIs, SaaS, microservices) and, as expected, my skill set chan­ged accordi­ngly.

I'm happy to say that the journey so far was a pretty good one, and helped me learn how to be flexible and adapt to different environments, people, and tech­no­lo­gies.

Currently, I'm working with the amazing folks at Luxor Technologies to make the Hashrate Index a reality.

Current projects

As Jack Torrance once wrote, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It is a no-brainer that a ba­lan­ced work-life re­la­tion­ship re­qui­res at least a bit of fun once in a while. And nothing is stopping you to have fun and be pro­duc­ti­ve!

When I find myself with this mindset, I like to work at one of my projects. Cur­rent­ly, I'm not working on anything particularly interesting, but I plan to shake things up this year.

Copyright © 2020-2022, Rafael Ibraim.